Best Javascript articles everyone should know

Ashwini Surve
2 min readMay 7, 2021
Photo by Jaz King on Unsplash
Photo by Jaz King on Unsplash

I have come across many people, willing to learn the basics and understand Javascript concepts, be it a fresher or an experienced backend developer simply aiming to go full-stack, but couldn’t really go through with it with so much content across the internet and not really understanding where to start.

If you want to start learning Javascript right from scratch, I would highly recommend familiarizing yourself with this list of topics that you need to be aware of and then move forward.

Before moving ahead, do check out the below article that will help you understand and master the different concepts of Javascript with examples.

JS concepts that you must know

Now, if you want to learn Javascript’s crucial concepts in the simplest language possible, here are some super simple articles that can help you get through the confusion around them.

Also, some best websites and articles to dive deep into Javascript —

  1. eloquentjavascript
  2. javascriptissexy

Now, let’s get started!

Important concepts and the articles explaining them in the simplest possible way:


execution stack and execution context, Call stack

asynchronous JS and event loop —

Inheritance -



object equality

Value Vs Reference

Freeze Vs Seal


  1. Mozilla
  2. Medium

Design Patterns


Event bubbling and capturing

Array methods

Object methods —

  1. W3Schools
  2. Developer Mozilla

map vs flatMap

Scope and Hoisting in JS




Ashwini Surve

Full-stack Developer | JS developer | Angular | React | NodeJS | RWD & Accessibility Enthusiast